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Dr. Mark A. F. Knight, MD

Mark A. F. Knight, M.D.


University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine


Cosmetic Plastic  Surgery 

Aesthetic Genital Surgery

Reconstructive Surgery

General Surgery 

University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

  Curriculum Vitae


2009                Feature Film: Hired Gun-director Brad Jurjens

                       Trauma Surgeon-Mark Knight credited role (IMDB)


2009-2010       Medical Director of Anaheim Hills Surgery Center


2007                Recipient of The State University of New York Educational Opportunity Program Honor Award        

                       Outstanding Achievement as an Alumni


2007                Medical Director and Co-owner of Eternal Youth Anti-Aging Institute, Irvine, CA.


2005                Co-Founder of the American Institute of Surgery, an Ambulatory Surgery Center, Santa Ana, CA.


2005-2010        Medical Director and Staff Surgeon of American Institute of Surgery

                       Designed the surgical procedure “The Extreme Abdominal Reconstruction”

                       Designed a procedure for accurately positioning breast implants and minimizing asymmetry.

                       Designed a procedure for establishing symmetry in facelift procedures.

                       Designed the modern approach to phalloplasty, with 3 novel advances.


2003                Selected for National Register’s Who’s Who In Executives and Professionals


2004-2008       Ghostwriter for television drama ER surgical scenes


1985                Selected to “Who’s Who among American High School Students”



06/03-12/2010         The American Board of Surgeons

                              General Surgery:  Certificate # 48194



11/07-12/2010         The American Board of Plastic Surgery

                              Plastic Surgery:  Certificate # 7286



                              Advanced Cardiac Life Support credentials (ACLS)                                                                  

                              CA Medical License:                                                                                      – A 78828



                               Rank:  Lieutenant Commander, USNMC

Decorations:           National Defense Ribbon; Marksman Pistol Ribbon.

8/04                        Tour of Duty Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton (Marine Base Station),                  Oceanside, CA     

9/03                        Tour of Duty Naval Air Station Pensacola,                                                       Pensacola FL                            



2002-2005               Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery Institute, University of California, Irvine                   Orange, CA

                              Newport Beach Surgery Center Aesthetic Rotation 4 months.        

                              2,965 Plastic Surgery procedures during training



1997-2002               S.U.N.Y. Health Science Center at Brooklyn                                                      Brooklyn, NY

                              1077 combined major cases and procedures

Surgical Residency Honors:           

                              Awards:  Rofeh Yedid Award 10/24/01        

                              Interview on Dateline NBC:  9/11 Ground Zero experience (national syndication)   9/17/01



1996-1997               University of California, San Francisco                                                              San Francisco, CA



1992-1996              UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE                                     Philadelphia, PA

                              M.D. in May 1996.

Medical School Honors:     

                              General Surgery

                              Plastic Surgery


                              Medicine Externship

                              General Medicine,


                              Anatomic Pathology,

                              Primary Care





1988-1992               S.U.N.Y @ STONY BROOK                                                                                Long Island, NY

                              B.S. Cum Laude May 1992

Double Major:       Chemistry (graduated with Honors),

                              Biochemistry ( Winner- Ford Foundation Prize)      

                              Cum GPA 3.57.

                              Deans List 1988-1992


  •                       First Freshman to be President of the College Legislature

  •                       Teaching Assistant for MacroEconomics.

  •                       Member of the University Room Rate Review Board

Undergraduate Honors:      

                              Undergraduate Excellence Award,

                              Sigma Beta Honor Society

                              Phi Lambda Upsilon National Honorary Chemical Society

                              Ford Foundation Prize in Biochemistry

                              Lloyd E. Sargeant Scholarship

                              S.A.I.N.T.S. Founders Award

                              Golden Key National Honor Society



1982-1985               Midwood High School                                                                                         Brooklyn, NY

                              Regents Diploma, Honors, May 1985:  Cum GPA 88.43


Awards:                 Outstanding Contribution to Patterns ‘85

                              Excellent Attendance ‘85

High School Honors:          

                              English 4

                              Global History 2,

                              Spanish 4


                              American History 1

                              Global History 3

                              Spanish 5

                              Journalism Workshop


                              Spanish 6

                              American History 2


                              11 Math 1

                              Contemporary Literature

                              World Classics

                              11Math 2



International Conference Presentations:

1/2006             Presentation at the annual American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgeons

                       Positive Internal Mammary Lymph Nodes:  Incidental Intraoperative Finding During Free TRAM Flap Breast Reconstruction.  

                       Knight MAK, Nguyen D, Kobayashi MR, Seemer NP, Evans GRD.


1991-1992       Presented at American Chemical Soc. 40th Ann. Undergraduate Research Symposium ‘92.  S.U.N.Y. @ STONY BROOK:

                      Department of Chemistry

                      Organometallic synthesis of Tricarbonyl (1, 3 diphenylinden-2-one) iron, proved

                      cis dichloro intermediate more stable than trans.


Grand Rounds

University of California, Irvine

07/19/04          Breast Augmentation

04/28/03          Hand Infections

03/19/02          Autologous Fat Transplant


S.U.N.Y. Health Science Center at Brooklyn

11/09/01          Pneumothorax (Management of recurrent pneumothorax)

10/05/01          Melanoma of the Head & Neck:  Sentinel Lymph node Excision

07/22/01          Colonic Mass:  Identification and Intervention

07/13/01          Extra-Anatomic Vascular Bypass:  Indications and Outcome

04/12/01          Management of Tracheal Injuries.

03/16/01          Primary Pancreatic Lymphoma

03/16/01          Renal Trauma:  Classification and management

01/12/01          Post-Transplantation Lympho-Proliferative Disorder.

                       Recurrent Retroperitoneal Rhabdomyosarcoma

09/28/00          Malrotation

02/16/99          Intra-atrial Septal Abscess


Journal Club PowerPoint Presentations (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery)

07/12/04          Immediate Toe-to-Hand Transfer in Acute Hand Injuries:

                        Overall Results, Compared with Results for Elective Cases

05/17/04          Reappraisal of Island Modifications of Lateral Calcaneal Artery Skin Flap

03/15/04          Chondrogenic Potential of Multipotential Cells from Human Adipose Tissue

02/09/04          Reconstruction of Orbital Floor Fracture Using Solvent-Preserved Bone Graft

11/24/03          Modified Technique for Nipple-Areolar Reconstruction:  A Case Series

10/20/03          Grafting the Nasal Dorsum with Tandem Ear Cartilage

08/25/03          Classification and Reconstruction Options in Foot Plantar Skin Avulsion Injuries: Follow-Up


Plastic Surgery Case Presentations:

11/08/04          Bilateral ear reconstruction following wide local excision of Cancer

02/23/04          Otoplasty

12/01/03          Lipoma of the Hand

08/18/03          Scrotal Lymphedema

05/06/03          Vulvar Reconstruction

04/14/03          Bilateral Mastectomy for Severe Gynecomastia

04/14/03          Wound Breakdown: Gluteal flap Reconstruction of Sacral wound

04/07/03          Turribrachycephaly:  Total Cranial Vault Reconstruction

03/03/03          Metastatic Melanoma of Lymph Node with Unknown Primary

11/12/02          Complications of Silicone Injection

08/05/02          Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans

10/28/02          Wedge Excision of Lower lip Cancer

09/30/02          Repair of Scaphoid Nonunion wrist

08/26/02          Traumatic Dog bite wound; Scalp Avulsion

08/05/02          A Review of Reduction Mammaplasty Techniques

08/05/02          Pedicled Groin Flap Reconstruction of Hand Burn

                       Facial Nerve Dissection

                       Hemifacial Microsomia:  Facial Reconstruction


General Surgery Case Presentations: Long Island College of Medicine.

08/15/01          Intestinal Ischemia

03/16/01          Metastatic Breast Cancer

09/18/00          Epidemiology and Etiology of Breast Cancer

12/20/01          Tracheal Injury:  case presentation

03/25/02          Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair



2004                Review of TRAM Flap Breast Reconstruction. Knight MAK, Nguyen D, Kobayashi MR, Evans GRD

                       Abstract submitted to American Association of Plastic Surgeons 12/1/2004.


2004                Positive Internal Mammary Lymph Nodes:  Incidental Intraoperative Finding During Free TRAM Flap Breast Reconstruction. 

                       Case Presentation and Literature Review.  Knight MAK, Nguyen D, Kobayashi MR, Seemer NP, Evans GRD. 

                       Abstract submitted to American Association of Plastic Surgeons 12/1/2004


2004                Book Chapter:  Lip Reconstruction.  Mark A. Knight, Hooman Shabatian, Gregory R. D. Evans.  In Evans GRD, Persing J, Eds. 

                       Soft Tissue Surgery of the Craniofacial Region.  CRC Press; June 20, 2007.


2004                Book Chapter:  Scar Revision, Dermabrasion, Local Flaps.  Hooman Shabatian, Mark A. Knight, Gregory R. D. Evans. 

                       In Evans GRD, Persing J, Eds.  Soft Tissue Surgery of the Craniofacial Region.  CRC Press; June 20, 2007.


2003                Tissue Engineering:  Progress and Challenges.  (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Journal CME Review Article) 

                       Mark A. Knight,  Gregory R.D. Evans,

                       Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004 Aug; 114(2):26E-37E.


2002                Penetrating Tracheal Injury: A case report and review of the Literature.  Mark A. Knight, Robert Schulze


2002                Pseudoaneurysm associated with Multiple Osteochondromatosis. 

                       Mark Y. Burzstyn, Michael Stracher, Mark A. Knight, Julie Sanchez, Max Ramenofsky, Jon Kirwin,


2002                Combined Endovascular and Open Repair of a Penetrating Inominate Artery and Tracheal Injury: 

                       Seth B. Blattman, Gregg S. Landis, , Thomas F. Panetta, Salvatore J. Sclafani, Joshua Burack. 

                       Ann. Thorac. Surg., July 1, 2002; 74(1): 237 - 239.


1999                Management of Solitary Thyroid Nodules:  Scientific Exhibit.  ACS 10/99.  Dept. of Surgery, BVAMC. 

                       Chin BS, Ghosh BC, Webb H, Knight Mark A.



06/05               Organized and orchestrated the Class of 2005 Graduation for the Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery Institute. 

                       Sole fundraiser, secured  $21,000.00 in funding to host Graduation Ceremony at Ritz Carlton Laguna Niguel.


12/04               Created Computer Database with 10 year experience of Breast Reconstruction at University of California, Irvine. 

                       Results submitted, awaiting publication


11/04               Established computerized clinic tracking database for Plastic Surgery, Urology, Otolaryngology

                       and Vascular Surgery services at Long Beach VA Medical Ctr.


4/04                 Microsurgery Scholar visiting Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan


4/26/03            Invited Speaker:  Introduction to Plastic Surgery. California State University Fullerton


92-‘96               •Penn Med Adult Special Olympics Coordinator 1993.

                        •Editor-in-Chief Minority Guide to the Essentials of the First Year 1993 -1994

                        •Designed Penn Med Special Olympics Crest and Tee Shirt.

                        •Personal assistant to wheelchair-bound Muscular Dystrophy pt. 8/1992 -7/1993.

                        •Designed and painted Banner for Medical School "3000 by 2000" recruitment project.

                        •Contributing Graphic Artist and Writer for Penn Med Gross Anatomy (GARP) software.

                        •Advisor to first year medical students 1993-1994.

                        •Participated in Health Fairs at city high schools.


’88-’92            •President of Wagner College Legislature 1988-1989.

                        •Wagner College Residence Hall Association Representative 1988-1989.

                        •Room Rate Review Board, Eleanor Roosevelt Quad Chairperson 1988-1989.

                        •Tutored Che 321 (Organic Chemistry.)

                        •Teaching Assistant for Economics 305 (Macroeconomics.)

                        •Designed/produced Campus Res. Operational Calendar 1989 - 1990.

                        •Designed & painted logo, banners, T-shirts for Culture Fest 1989.

                        •Designed/produced Insignia, emblem, banner, T-shirts for Caribbean Students Organization.

                        •Winner of Alcohol Awareness Week Banner Contest Oct. 1988.

                        •Dorm Cooking Program (1989-1992) took refuse from Dorm buildings.


82-‘85               •Feature Writer, Argus Newspaper

                        •Art Editor, Patterns Art & Literature Magazine-

                        •Columbia Press Assn. Silver Medal ’84-’85

                        •Columbia Press Assn.  Silver Medal ’83-’84,    



1996                Co-developer of Dupuytrens Contracture Homepage on Internet:


1995                HOSPITAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA:  Dept. of Anatomic Pathology.

                        Co-investigator:  identify tumor markers in sinonasal mucosal malignant melanoma.


1995                Co-author:  A Case of Recurrent Malignant Sinonasal Mucosal Melanoma:  Weinstein, GW.  Knight, MA, Montone, KT. 

                       Submitted for review and publication


1993-1994        HEALTHPASS/HMA City of Philadelphia DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WORK

                        Principal investigator, assessed Cesarean Section rates at 4 hospitals.


1993-1994        HOSPITAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA:  Dept. of Pediatrics

                       Co-investigator, evaluated sunscreen use and melanoma risk in Pediatric population.




1992-1994       Personal Assistant

1991-1992       Dorm Cooking Program.  Supervisor ’90-‘92

1985- 1988      Skycap at LaGuardia Airport

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